If you are a school I can offer you.......
- A stand-alone Storyteller event in your Infant, Primary or Special School, up to six classes of approximately thirty during the day - each session lasting 30-60 minutes depending on age group. My stories work best for Reception - Year Four children, and I can also hold a whole school / year group Assembly or finale for the day if appropriate.
- Story workshops using the children’s ideas, the magic storybag, objects from the classroom or wider school environment; photography stimulus; on-the-spot song and poetry writing; and a whole new way of telling traditional tales - all to bring their ideas to life.
- A literacy ‘booster day’ using either my own stories, or the book you are studying to enthuse and inspire through a range of learning styles - e.g. reaching your physical learners.
- A longer programme of intervention, still using storytelling as a starting point, and then working with staff to construct a bespoke project to aid creative curriculum delivery.
- INSET / teacher training sessions to fire up your own storytelling skills.
- Something else entirely that we can invent together.......
All I need is a clear, clean area into which I can fit my GIGANTIC, BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING Storytelling skirt, and a parking space close enough for me to unload easily ....
that’s it!